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Floyd County Medical Center represented at Hospital Association events in Des Moines

Floyd County Medical Center represented at Hospital Association events in Des Moines
Floyd County Medical Center representatives (from left) Trustee Chair Ron James, Trustee Treasurer May Jo Lacour, CEO Dawnett Willis, Trustee Sharon Enabnit and Trustee Cheryl Erb attended the Iowa Hospital Association’s Governance Forum held this week in Des Moines, where the Medical Center was recognized as a two-star hospital by the organization, and several trustees were honored by the IHA as having completed the certification requirements for best governance practices. Submitted photo
To The Press

Floyd County Medical Center was recently recognized and represented at events hosted by the Iowa Hospital Association.

Three members of FCMC’s board of trustees were recognized at the IHA’s Governance Forum in Des Moines on Tuesday, March 11.

FCMC Trustees Secretary Viva Boerschel, Chair Ron James and Treasurer Mary Jo Lacour recently completed the certification requirements put forth by the IHA regarding best governance practices.

They join fellow FCMC trustees Randy Heitz, Sharon Enabnit and Cheryl Erb who are already certified.

Floyd County Medical Center represented at Hospital Association events in Des Moines
Floyd County Medical Center CEO Dawnett Willis meets with Gov. Kim Reynolds at the Iowa Hospital Association’s Hospital Day on the Hill in Des Moines on Wednesday, March 12. Willis also met with Iowa Sen. Sandy Salmon and Iowa Rep. Charley Thomson. Submitted photo

Their accomplishment recognized FCMC as a two-star hospital, which signifies that 70-99% of a hospital’s board members are certified trustees.

“Health care is constantly evolving at the local, state and federal level,” Lacour said. “As a board member, we need to be aware of these many challenges to make educated decisions. Being certified shows our commitment to FCMC and our community.”

On Wednesday, Medical Center CEO Dawnett Willis attended the IHA’s Hospital Day on the Hill in Des Moines.

Health care leaders and executives from across Iowa met at the state Capitol to speak with legislators and to advocate for policies that improve and bolster care for Iowans across the state.

In addition to the opportunity to collaborate with other influential leaders in hospitals and health centers in Iowa, Willis also spoke with Gove. Kim Reynolds, Sen. Sandy Salmon, and Rep. Charley Thomson during her time at the Capitol.

“I always look forward to Hospital Day on the Hill every spring, and this year was another great experience,” Willis said.

“It is an honor to represent FCMC and advocate for the needs of the communities that we serve in northeast Iowa so that our patients can have the best health care possible,” she said.

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