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Floyd County Medical Center invites community to sign-off on expansion project

Floyd County Medical Center invites community to sign-off on expansion project
Taking advantage of the warm March weather on Tuesday, the Charles City community was invited to Floyd County Medical Center to sign their names to a metal beam that will be set in a new stairwell next week. Press photos by Travis Fischer
By Travis Fischer,

The community got a chance to make its mark on the Floyd County Medical Center’s expansion project on Tuesday, March 18.

Taking advantage of the beautiful spring weather, hospital staff and the community at large was invited outside for a beam-signing ceremony, where people could sign their name to a metal beam to be used in the building’s construction.

“We’re excited to allow our team members and members of the community to come out and sign a beam that will be exposed in our new building,” said FCMC CEO Dawnett Willis.

The $40 million hospital expansion project broke ground in June of last year and is the biggest expansion to the hospital since it was built in 1965. The project includes new areas for registration and waiting rooms, space for new speech and occupational therapy departments, updates to the hospital lab, new conference and training rooms, a new pharmacy, and a three-story clinic.

“It’s going well,” said Willis. “All the framing is complete on the basement and first floor.”

Work on the hospital will continue through the year, with a planned completion date set for spring of 2026.

The signed beam is planned to be installed in the hospital’s new stairwell sometime next week. Until then, it will be available in the lobby for anybody who wants to add their signature to the metal support.

The beam-signing ceremony was originally planned for Wednesday, but the hospital moved up its signing ceremony to avoid the incoming snowstorm on the forecast.

“It’s a much better day today,” said Willis.

Floyd County Medical Center invites community to sign-off on expansion project
FCMC staff signed their name to a beam set to be used in the hospital’s expansion project on Tuesday, March 18.

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