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Scouts serve pancakes for breakfast fundraiser

Scouts serve pancakes for breakfast fundraiser
Members of Scout Troop 78 served a breakfast of ham, sausages, eggs, French toast, and pancakes for their fundraiser breakfast on Sunday, March 23. Press photo by Travis Fischer
By Travis Fischer,

Charles City Troop 78 served breakfast on Sunday, March 23, for their annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser.

About 15 scouts from fifth grade through high school organized the Sunday morning meal, collecting donations and preparing the venue at the Columbus Club.

“It’s been working very well,” said Scout Master Jeremy Heyer. “We’ve had lots of help from parents and different leaders.”

The breakfast is not just a fundraiser, but a learning experience for the scouts, giving them a project to work together on and contribute to. Even the griddle used to cook the pancakes was an Eagle Scout project.

With volunteers cooking up a steady stream of breakfast foods, scouts served ham, sausage, eggs, French toast, pancakes, and beverages throughout the morning .

“Proceeds go to Eagle Scout projects or to cover costs to merit badge colleges or national jamborees,” said Heyer.

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