Gov. Martinez outlines education, ethics reforms
SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — Republican Gov. Susana Martinez is reaching out to Democrats as the Legislature returns to work.
Martinez used her State of the State speech Tuesday to call for a bipartisan approach to New Mexico’s pressing problems, including a $ 400 million budget shortfall.
Martinez said the state’s problems can be solved only if Democrats and Republicans work together. Democrats hold majorities in the House and Senate.
Three Democratic legislators, in a brief news conference after the speech, also sounded a conciliatory note, saying they appreciated the issues Martinez raised and hoped to work with her.
Sen. John Sapien of Corrales said the theme was first sounded in the Legislative Finance Committee, where Democratic and Republican membership rolled out a proposed budget on behalf of the Legislature.
“ We just need to remember that it’s not the executive budget vs. a non- Republican budget,’ he said. “We very much worked together on the LFC to craft a budget that we thought would work for the state of New Mexico.’
Martinez’s speech praised the committee for putting together a budget proposal that doesn’t include tax increases and doesn’t raid the state Permanent Fund.
The Democratic lawmakers said the Legislature already has been looking at making government more efficient and hoped Martinez acknowledges the foundation lawmakers have laid in improving education and helping small businesses.
“There are and there will be legitimate differences,’ Rep. Rhonda King of Stanley said. “And when those differences emerge, we will not be afraid to stand up for our constituents. As we know, we too have to find common ground in order to move New Mexico forward.’
Martinez told lawmakers the state faces a historic budget deficit “that will require candor to address and courage to resolve.’
New Mexico’s budget problems have been papered over with unrealistic projections and temporary infusions of federal stimulus money, allowing politicians to avoid tough decisions, she said.
“No more shell games,’ Martinez said. “No more rosy projections.’
Her speech outlined a package of education and ethics reforms.
She wants to end the practice of promoting students to the next grade when they haven’t mastered their current grade, and backs financial incentives for the state’s best teachers.
She also is proposing mandatory prison time for public officials convicted of corruption and the loss of theirgovernment pension.
A former prosecutor, Martinez wants to reinstate the death penalty, which New Mexico abolished in 2009; subject all those arrested for a felony to DNA testing; and target repeat drunken drivers by seizing their vehicles and increasing mandatory prison time.
Martinez already is at odds with some in the education community. Educators, parents and children rallied at the state Capitol on Monday, calling for tax increases to balance the budget and protesting any cuts in spending for public education.
The governor proposes foursteps to reform New Mexico’s schools, including moving money from bureaucracy to the classrooms and creating fi nancial incentives for New Mexico’s best teachers.
She said people aren’t fooled when a school district spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on public relations staff or hires lobbyists, then says the only place to cut is the classroom.
“ The truth is there is waste and it must be eliminated,’ she said.
Her education plan calls for a grading system for schools — from A to F — and posting those grades to the Internet.
She also said the state must set the stage for wholesale changes to its tax structure to become more competitive and help people get jobs.
“ We must remember that the long- term solution to our budget woes is economic growth,’ she said.
Government does not create jobs, but only creates an environment in which small businesses can create jobs, Martinez said.
But too many jobs are going to neighboring states, and too many of the state’s sons and daughters are following them, she said.
Martinez proposes encouraging small businesses to hire the unemployed by covering part of their salaries for six months through the unemployment fund, opening an Office of Business Advocacy in the Economic Development Department to help them through red tape, and standardizing administrative practices to cut the costs of complying with regulatory guidelines.
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