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Commissioners issue drought proclamation

The Grant County Board of Commissioners held a special meeting Friday, approving a proclamation declaring extreme or severe drought conditions in Grant County.

The commission approved a 30-day ban on the use of all fireworks within wildlands or “lands owned by the governing body of a county or municipality that are designated for public recreational purposes that are covered wholly or in part by timber, brush or native grass,’ according the proclamation.

The proclamation states the sale and use of missile-type rockets, aerial spinners, stick-type rockets, and ground audible devices are banned.

The use of other permitted fireworks (cone and cylindrical fountains, sparklers, ground spinners, and others) is only allowed in paved or barren areas or parts in the county that have a “readily accessible source of water for use by the homeowner or general public.’

The proclamation is similar to one passed by the Silver City Town Council in which fireworks are banned.

Sheriff Raul Villanueva commended the commission’s decision to impose the ban until the area gets more moisture. He said the restrictions helped the Sheriff’s Department with its duties during the Fourth of July weekend.

Fire-Management Officer Gary Benavidez said the drought is still intact and cautioned the commission about lifting fire restrictions.

“We can still have fires and the fire danger is still there until we get a ‘season ending event’ of one to two inches (of rain) before we lift restrictions,’ Benavidez said to the commission. The commission also extended a lease agreement between the county and property owner Debra Goats Henry for temporary storage of residentially produced solid waste in Mule Creek for 90 days. The original lease agreement began June 28, 2001, and the extension started June 28 of this year with the same terms and conditions as the original agreement.

The commissioners will meet July 12 at 9 a.m. for a work session and July 14 at the same time for a regular meeting at the Grant County Administration Center.

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