Anti-nuke groups to fi ght Manhattan Project parks
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Anti-nuclear activists are lining up against legislation to create national parks at Los Alamos National Laboratory and two other sites where the world’s first nuclear bombs were developed, calling the plan an expensive glorification of an ugly chapter in history.
“It is a debasement of the national parks idea,’ said Greg Mello, a co-founder of the anti-nuclear watchdog, LosAlamos Study Group. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar released a study to Congress last week that recommends establishing a national historical park to commemorate the top-secret Manhattan Project that developedthe atomic bomb. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., said he is drafting legislation to create sites at Los Alamos; Hanford, Wash.; and Oak Ridge, Tenn.
“The secret development of the atomic bomb in multiple locations across the United States is an important story and one of the most transformative events in our nation’s history,’ Salazar said in a release announcing the project. “The Manhattan Project ushered in the atomic age, changed the role of the United States in the world community, and set the stage for the Cold War.’
Anti-nuclear activists were appalled.
“Are we really poised to make a national park out of a few shabby ruins wherewe built instruments of mass murder, delivered to statesmen the instruments of universal destruction, and destroyed the marriage between science and human values?’ Mello wrote in an email to board members and others.
“Absolutely disgusting,’ responded Darwin Bond-Graham in an email. “From a fiscally conservative perspective (which everyone claims these days): surely in this ‘time of belt-tightening’ the Feds shouldn’t waste one cent on crap like this. If the nuclear weaponeers want to do it with all private money, well good for them and their sickened and misguided souls. But not one federal or state cent!’
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