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Firefighters have ‘got a handle’ on Whitewater-Baldy Complex


Daily Press Staff

Firefighters reported this morning that they had contained 22 percent of the Whitewater- Baldy Complex. The massive wildfire, in the Gila National Forest east of Glenwood and north of Silver City, has burned 263,589 acres since lightning sparked two blazes thatmerged.“ We still have active firewithin the perimeter, but (firefighters) are a little more comfortable that they’ve got a handle on it,’ fireinformation officer Gerry Perry told The Associated Press. “ That doesn’t mean the fire is over, but things are looking better.’

More than 1,000 firefighting personnel remain on the scene. So far, the suppression effort reportedly has cost $15.4 million.

Tuesday’s aerial ignition of back burns along many parts of the fire’s boundary “ went as planned,’ according to a news release issued this morning by the Forest Service Type 1 incidentmanagement team in chargeof the operation. “Crews were able to hold (fire- containment lines) and mop up without any

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complications,’ it stated. “In the south and southwest areas, fire behavior was barely visible, with the exception of some canyons with dense forest.

“These pockets of increased fire activity and short-duration smoke columns were expected by fire managers,’ the release continued. “Helicopters and firefighters were monitoring the behavior and ready to respond as needed.’

Crews completed fire-mitigation efforts around cabins in Claremont. They also finished a fire-containment line south of Mogollon, from the Whitewater Canyon area to New Mexico 159.

Firefighters on Tuesday continued to patrol and mop up the northern perimeter of the fire. On the east side, Hot Shot crews completed a “contingency’ containment line between Double Spring Ranch and Prior Cabin in case the weather changes and causes the flames to make a push to the east.

The burn scar of last year’s Miller Fire also will be used as a fire break on the east side, if necessary. Aerial ignitions are planned north of the burn scar.

“Today’s fire tactics (will) mimic (Tuesday’s) efforts, with continued patrol and mop-up operations,’ the release stated. “Aerial ignition will continue as needed in the south and west portions of the fire. Smoke columns and fire will be visible during these operations.’

Daytime winds are expected to blow the smoke east and northeast the next several days. Most of the smoke “should remain above the surface, reducing any significant impacts at ground level,’ according to the release.

A Forest Service Burned Area Emergency Response team is assessing the portion of the forest burned by the fire. The team includes hydrologists, soil scientists, engineers, biologists, silviculturists, range conservationists and archaeologists.

“They will evaluate the burned area, and prescribe treatments to protect the land quickly and effectively,’ the release stated.

Because of the wildfire threat, the Gila National Forest hasbanned campfires everywhere except in fire rings and grills at designated, developed campgrounds and picnic areas. Smoking is restricted to inside vehicles and buildings.

Today, the Catron County Sheriff’s Department planned to reopen Mogollon to the public. An evacuation order for the ghost town was lifted Monday.

On Tuesday, U.S. Forest Chief Tom Tidwell surveyed the burn scar left behind by what has developed into the largest wildfire in the nation, the Associated Press reported.

Tidwell took an early-morning aerial tour of the blaze.

“I know a lot of people question why we’re not able to get in there and put out these fires right away,’ he said. “If folks could actually see how rugged the terrain is, how steep these canyons are, how much fuel is there, the size of the timber and how inaccessible it is, I think they would quickly understand.’

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