Silver City MainStreet Project receives grant
Daily Press Staff
John Barela, New Mexico secretary of economic development, visited the Silco Theater in downtown Silver City on Thursday, June 7, to announce the awarding of a $ 175,000 grant to the Silver City MainStreet Project.
According to Nick Seibel, MainStreet Project manager, the funding is expected in September and is scheduled to be matched by the town through a loan from the New Mexico Finance Authority.
“ The whole thing shouldn’t cost the town very much at all,’ Seibel said. “ The money will be used to purchase the Silco Theater, as part of MainStreet. I’m excited about the transformation to the downtown a renewed Silco Theater will bring.’
“ The Silver City MainStreet Project was named one of the five best in the country out of hundreds last year, and I think it is the best,’ Barela said. “ And we can thank Nick Seibel. Statewide, MainStreet is an incredible cornerstone for smalltown renaissance in New Mexico.
“ Of the $ 1 million capital outlay for these programs in New Mexico,’ Barela said, “ the $ 175,000 allocated for the theater district in Silver City is the single largest capital outlay of any recipient.’
(Press Staff Photo by Roger Lanse)
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