Heli- rappellers hold proficiency training
Daily Press Staff
Getting to work can be a challenge, but it can get especially sketchy when the commute includes a 200- foot controlled leap off the side of a helicopter onto a remote, flame- licked mountaintop in the grip of a wildfire.
But for the Price Valley Heli- Rappellers, it’s just another day at work. The nine- member crew honed their skills Friday by rappelling out of a helicopter 200 feet in the sky as part ofroutine proficiency training required every two weeks, said Price Valley Heli-Rappeller Shane Wolfe.
“ We’ll practice what we intend to do on the actual fire. Our primary responsibility is ‘ initial attack,’ or IA for short. Basically as soon as a fire is called in, our job is to get on scene as fast as possible and keep it small — keep it from turning into one of these,’ Wolfe said, referencing the Whitewater Baldy Complex Fire.
Once on scene, thehelicopter pilot looks for a safe landing place to let the crew out, but if there is no safe- landing zone, he will instead hover and the crew will rappel out of the chopper and onto the ground.
“ We get inserted on the ground relatively close to the fi re,’ Wolfe said. “ Once we rappel out on the ground, we also have our spotter on the helicopter, who will then drop down two big cargo boxes that have all of our firefighting equipment in them. Chain saws, tools, water, I mean anything we need to actually suppress the fire.’
Since he and his crew can reasonably expect to be isolated and hard to reach while on a mission, they usually take plenty of supplies. Each crew member wears a “belly-bag’ around his waist that contains basic supplies and firefighting gear, but the rest of the supplies are readily accessible once the two cargo boxes touch down.
“ What we strive for is to be able to be self- sufficient for 36 hours,’ Wolfe said.
He and his crew are assigned as initial attack responders for the entire forest, but they also provide general helicopter support for other forces in the area that range from dropping water on fl ames to shuttling Hot Shots from one location to another, Wolfe said. Their helicopter of choice is a Bell 212, a versatile mediumweight craft that is able to carry a lot of water, cargo and people — whatever the mission calls for.
Typically, the helicopter goes out on a mission with six people aboard: four helirappellers, one pilot, and one spotter. Some missions only call for the deployment of two rappellers, while others call for more depending on the situation, Wolfe said.
Once on scene, the crew inserts at the “ heel’ of the fi re, or where it first started, and tries to flank the fire and set up a hand line using chain saws and hand tools to eliminate the fuel source by cutting down trees and digging trenches.
Though he works in the shadow of smoke and flames, Wolfe said he isn’t overly concerned for his safety because he maintains
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his situational awareness while on the ground.
“I’ve been fortunate enough that in these nine years I’ve never put myself in that position where I’ve actually felt like I was unsafe,’ Wolfe said. “ If you put yourself in that position where you’ve created an unsafe environment, then you messed up a long time ago.’
Teamwork is one of the paramount themes in helirappelling, as crew members constantly find themselves depending on one another to get the job done.
“ I have to know that I can look at each one of my fellow crew members and know that they can take care of themselves, but at the same time, any decisions that we are going to make, we are going to make as a group.’
Physical readiness is also a requirement, and the crew conducts regular training sessions to stay in shape. Though the heli- rappellers and their gear are dropped onto the ground by helicopter, they may have to hike — sometimes with 130 pounds of gear — to reach an area where they can be picked up after the fire has been put out, Wolfe said. Prior to his career in firefighting, Wolfe enjoyed the outdoors and physical nature of being a river guide, but there simply wasn’t enough money in it to make it a career. As a heli- rappeller, the constant exercise and outdoor activity the job offered was attractive, so he signed up nine years ago.
“ I found out that you can get paid to stay in shape, run around in the woods, fight fire, you know, all that stuff,’ Wolfe said.
Though the job may be desirable, openings are extremely limited, since there are only about 10 other heli-rappelling programs operating in the nation, with Wolfe’s team included. As a veteran with former Hot Shot experience, Wolfe was accepted into the academy in Salmon, Idaho, where he learned the craft and is required to attend at the start of every fire season.
“ The bottom line is that it’s an efficient way to get to a fire and a very effective tool to get in there quickly without wasting a lot of time,’ Wolfe said. “As soon as we’re on the ground, we’re repelling fires. You’re committed and there is no easy way out.’
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