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Act-of-kindness event planned Sunday at Gough Park

Two weeks ago today, retired Silver City schoolteacher Brenda Padilla’s life was upended by a text message from her father in California: “Are you watching the news?’

Instantly, Padilla joined the millions of Americans who were hit by the horror of the school shootings in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14 — but her sorrow quickly hardened into a resolve to do something to counter the horrific act.

Padilla used her Facebook account to bring together a small group of Grant County residents, and in less than 48 hours they were in local schools handing out notes and paper bags in preparation for a community gathering to be held this Sunday evening at Gough Park.

The premise of the event is that individuals should do one act of kindness for another, then record the act on a paper lunch bag. Participants will then bring their bag or bags to the park at 5:30 to be turned into luminarias to fill the park that evening — each one representing a good deed performed in the community.

“When I turned on the news that morning, my heart was crushed and I felt alone,’ said Padilla, who retired last May from 25 years as a teacher at Jose Barrios Elementary School. “I called the school secretary at Jose Barrios to see if they knew. I just felt like I needed to be with kids, holding them, protecting them.’

Within a few days, however, Padilla was inspired by NBC reporter Ann Curry’s Twitter suggestion that people pledge to do 26 acts of kindness in honor of the shooting victims. Padilla decided to follow the suggestion herself, and then took to her own Facebook account to enlist friends to do something more.

“I don’t usually get on Facebook,’ Padilla said, but “I knew if we came together we could do something that might help — although help what or who I didn’t know yet.’

Over coffee the following afternoon, Padilla discussed her ideas with former Silver Schools Arts Coordinator Debbie Seibel, her son and Silver City MainStreet Manager Nick Seibel, and local artist Shawna Charlie. Out of the conversation grew the luminaria idea, and the plans for a community celebration instead of mourning. “The idea of literally highlighting all of the good people, all of the good things that were already happening in our community was so powerful,’ Nick Seibel said. “It went beyond just lighting a candle in memory of someone — it was an opportunity for us to remind ourselves of how much good there is in our town and this world.’

The group’s plan brought together several ongoing efforts, both nationally and locally.

“Besides Ann Curry’s idea, all of Silver’s elementary schools had already been participating in Rachel’s Challenge, a nationalacts-of-kindness movement that was started in memory of Rachel Scott, the first student killed in the 1999 Columbine High School shootings,’ Padilla said. “Our problem was that we had less than two days to get the word out before schools went on winter break.’

Just a quick phone call to the Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce, and new Executive Director Sherry Logan committed to help, purchasing and donating more than a thousand paper bags for the effort. Padilla then cleared the shelves of lunch bags at local stores, and the group spread out to distribute the bags andnotes explaining the effort to elementary schools in the Silver and Cobre districts last Friday.

Since then, word has spread, and postings have gone viral on Facebook and other social media outlets.

“The town of Silver City offered to sponsor the use of Gough Park, and we’ve had offers of sand and other donations,’ Padilla said. “We just need to get some more candles donated before Sunday, and we should be ready to go.’

Organizers have no idea what to expect come Sunday night. While more than 2,000 bags were handed out to school kids, the group is realistic aboutthe distractions of the holiday season.

“Obviously, we’d love to have thousands, even tens of thousands of luminarias out there this Sunday,’ Nick Seibel said. “The reality is that the fact that this event is happening at all, with so many people stepping up to make this happen in so little time — that’s an amazing thing, whether we end up with ten lights or ten thousand.

“It shows that our little town is filled with lights in the darkness.’

For more information on Sunday’s plans, contact Nick Seibel at 538-9723.

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