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Dworin named new director of SC Arts and Cultural District

George Julian Dworin is the new director of the Silver City Arts and CulturalDistrict. Dworin, who officially began the job on Feb. 1, brings to the position more than 20 years of business management and advertising experience. He has served more than 400 corporate, institutional, non- profit, and small-business clients nationally in his career.

His experience is in the development and creation of brand identity, multimedia advertising and marketing campaigns. He has held positions in executive management, operations, sales and service, as well as being an art director, studio manager, designer and business owner,a news release stated. Dworin, a longtime resident of Tucson, Ariz., has been visiting Silver City and Grant County on a regularbasis since 1991.An artist, outdoor enthusiast, and avid mountain bik-er, Dworin joined the community on a more permanent basis two years ago when he moved his digital printmaking studio to the Silver City Arts and Cultural District, according to the release.

“As chair of the Arts and Cultural District Coordinating Council, I am delighted to have George Julian on board as SCACD/tourism director,’ Lee Gruber said.

“ The combination of creative and management skills, along with his design and marketing experience, make him a perfect fit for the position. Congratulations, George Julian Dworin,’ Gruber said.

“This is a wonderful community, rich in cultural and natural resources. It is a great tourist destination. We are fortunate to have broad based support from the community, the town, the county and the state for promoting arts and culture, and tourism as an economic engine fordevelopment,’ Dworin said.

The Silver City Arts and Cultural District is “ a collaborative partnership of diverse individuals and organizations throughout Grant County that encourages the preservation of historic assets, excellence in art and cultural education and enterprise, affirmative crosscultural communication and vibrant cultural tourism,’ the release stated.



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