Officials reopen New Mexico 152 in Black Range
Compiled By The Daily Press Staff
The Silver Fire continued to spread to the northwest during the weekend, creating smoke that reached area communities.
The blaze has burned 134,000 acres (about 210 square miles). It was 50 percent contained Sunday night. Light rain, higher humidity and lower temperatures helped firefighters make progress.
At 10 a.m. today, New Mexico 152 was reopened from San Lorenzo to Kingston. However, the highway will be temporarily closed again later this month, when the U.S. Forest Service and New Mexico Department of Transportation conduct rehabilitation work along the route.
Other roads, as well as the majority of the Gila National Forest, also are open to the public. Still shut down are Forest Service campgrounds along New Mexico 152.
Firefighting crews on Sunday worked to protect seven homes in Cooney Canyon. The fire got to within two miles of the properties. The residents left the area, though no evacuation order was issued, The Associated Press reported.
The northern edge of the fire was “ extremely active’ on Saturday, creating a 39,000- foot plume of smoke, according to offi cials. The fire behavior and smoke temporarily grounded helicopters that had been dropping large buckets of water on the flames.
The water has been coming from Bear Canyon Lake, under an agreement with the state. Personnel are keeping a record of how much water is taken from the reservoir.
The helicopters were able to get into the air long enough to make aerial ignitions on ridge tops to slow the fire’s progress.
Crews also responded to a large spot fire in Quaking Aspen Canyon ( to the west of the main blaze). They built a fi re line in an effort to contain the flames.
No fi re activity has been reported for several days on the south and east sides of the burned area. An unoccupied outbuilding along Animas Creek is the only structure destroyed since lightning sparked the fire June 7.
Offi cials noted that increases in smoke are a result of changes in wind direction, and not necessarily an indication of more intense fire activity.
A population of Gila trout, listed as a “ threatened’ species, was removed from South Diamond Creek in the Aldo Leopold Wilderness to protect the fish from fire ash.
Fire restrictions are in place on the forest and elsewhere in southwest New Mexico. Open burning is banned on private, county, state, and federal lands. The only places to have a legal campfi re are within metal rings and grills in designated, developed campgrounds and picnic areas on the Gila.
(Photo Courtesy of Gila National Forest)
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