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Despite rain, area remains in drought

While rain during the weekend brought desperately needed moisture, the storm’s benefits are not expected to last long.

Most area residents experienced rain Saturday night and Sunday morning. Snow fell in the higher elevations of the Gila National Forest. According to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, there were 8 inches of new snow at the 9,000-foot Silver Creek Divide (east of Mogollon in Catron County); 6 inches at McKnight Cabin ( at 9,240 feet, above the Mimbres Valley); and 4 inches atop the 8,360- foot Signal Peak ( just north of Silver City).

Before the system came through the region, there was no snow on the ground at those locations, which is extremely rare for this time of year.

The Gila- San Francisco river basin has received 42 percent of


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average precipitation since Oct. 1, the NRCS reported Monday. The Mimbres basin is at 32 percent.

Authorities note that the rain only temporarily abated the wildfire threat. Strong winds and unseasonably high temperatures are quickly sapping the moisture.

Grasses, the primary carriers of fire in the region, dry quickly and become extremely flammable. Even live vegetation, like bear grass and juniper trees, is considered vulnerable to torching. Most at risk are subdivisions and other rural areas where people have built homes, because they are in grasslands and often close to the forest.

Officials are urging residents and visitors to exercise extreme caution with any type of outdoor burning. A fastmoving grass fire can easily result from a wind- blown campfire left unattended, wood- heater ashes dumped on the ground, cigarettes recklessly discarded, the use of welding equipment and other devices that throw sparks, and hot vehicle parts coming into contact with dry grass.

The state Land Office last week temporarily banned outdoor burning and smoking on state trust lands. Other governmental agencies are expected to issue similar orders soon, if the weather remains warm and dry as predicted.

Despite heavy downpours that caused extensive flood damage in September, precipitation during the 2013 “monsoon’ season was less than normal in most of southwest New Mexico. Rain and snow this winter have been almost nonexistent, especially during the two months preceding the Saturday night storm.

The long- range forecast calls for continued dry conditions, with above- normal temperatures. The infamous spring winds have already begun, making the situation more dangerous.


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