Rio Grande cutthroat trout to be stocked in Rio Grande Gorge
The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish plans to release almost 10,000 Rio Grande cutthroat trout into the Rio Grande Gorge on Monday, March 24, according to a news release, and volunteers are needed to backpack the native fish down into the gorge.
The river, 800 feet down, is accessible only by foot, and trails vary in length from one mile to a mile- and- a- half.
Volunteers will carry backpacks containing bags filled with 3-4 gallons of water and more than 100 fingerlings. The fingerlings were raised at Seven Springs Hatchery near Jemez Springs.
Volunteers should meet at 10:30 a.m. at the La Junta Trailhead at the Wild River Recreation Area.
For more information or to volunteer, call 575- 445- 2311.
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