Firefighters jump quickly on Whitewater Fire
Daily Press Staff
With the 2011 Quail Ridge Fire certainly in their minds, local fire departments spared little in attacking the Whitewater Fire, one mile west of White Signal, on Wednesday, April 9. The first to the scene arrived about 2: 30 p. m.
Those responding to the fire included the Tyrone, Whiskey Creek, Fort Bayard and Pinos Altos volunteer fire departments, the Silver City Fire Department, the Grant County fire management offi cer, and the U.S. Forest Service.
Twelve- mile- per- hour winds pushed the fi re in an easterly direction along a rocky arroyo at the northern base of Saddle Mountain. The vertical sides of the arroyo in the middle of the fire area made fi ghting the blaze difficult, Gila National Forest Fire Prevention Specialist Ellen Brown said.
The 10- acre fire burned two sheds and threatened a few homes and abandoned buildings. Some residents voluntarily evacuated.
No injuries were reported.
According to Brown, the cause of the fire was unknown.
“ We’re here for the support of the Tyrone Volunteer Fire Department and its White Signal station,’ Brown told the Daily Press, as an eight-man USFS hand crew from the Wilderness Ranger District drove toward the fire.
Fort Bayard Volunteer Fire Department Chief Joe Chavez stated, “ With all the wind we’ve had, we picked a day when it wasn’t too windy, but tomorrow is supposed to be a bad day.’
“ Firefi ghters will monitor theburned area through the night and into next morning,’ Brown said. “ I can tell by the radio traffic they’re getting a handle on it,’ she said at 7: 06 p. m. “ They’ll be mopping all night long and ex-panding the containment lines.’
Brown reminded residents that with the temperature going up, the strong winds, and the tinderdry fine fuels, the danger of wildfire is extremely high. Residentsshould use caution when conducting any activity that might start a blaze.
Roger Lanse may be reached at reporter1@ silvercitydailypress . net.
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