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Principal reinstated at Stout

“I’m going to bring Mr. Lougee back tomorrow,’ Silver School District Superintendent Lon Streib told the Daily Press on Thursday, April 24.

After three certified teachers in February brought allegations ofmisconduct regarding David Lougee, G.W. Stout Elementary School principal, he was placed on administrative leave. “The allegations were not brought in a timely manner,’ Streib


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said. “They should have been brought in October.’

Following the allegations, Streib said, he immediately hired an impartial private investigation team from Albuquerque composed of retired police officers to look into the truth of the allegations. “How do I know they’re impartial?’ Streib asked. “Well, I guess you’ll have to trust me.’

The investigative team generated a report, which found, according to Streib, no malfeasance of any kind had been demonstrated by Lougee.

Although he declined to describe specifics of the allegations, Streib said, “There are some things in the report I’m working on with Mr. Lougee, including interpersonal skills and cultural sensitivities.’


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