Renovation reveals surprise at Girl Scout Little House
Annette Toney, membership manager of the Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest, found a surprise hidden under the linoleum covering the floor of the Girl Scout Little House, where all Grant County Girl Scouts meet.
As remodeling of the building was underway, funded by a $40,000 grant from the Freeport-McMoRan Community Investment Fund, old, yellowed, but surprisingly intact newspapers were discovered Wednesday, May 7, under the linoleum flooring. Comprised of editions from the Silver City Daily Press, Silver City Enterprise, Los Angeles Times, Albuquerque Journal and El Paso Times, the newspapers appear to have been placed between the linoleum and the wood plank floor to prevent the gaps between the planks from showing in the linoleum, Toney said.
But, what caught Toney’s eye were two short articles about Girl Scouts. One in the March 8, 1951, Enterprise told about a senior Girl Scout troop being organized in Bayard under the direction of Mrs. R.W. Cox and said 10 girls had shown interest.
The other article, in the March 10, 1951, edition of the Daily Press, announced that Bobby Jackson Jr., manager of the Sav-on Drug Co. and public relations chairman for the Silver City Girl Scout Board, would give a five-minute talk on KSIL honoring the national organization of Girl Scouts on its 39th birthday. Coincidentally, Toney said, “We just celebrated the 102nd anniversary of Girl Scouts USA on March 12.’
In addition to the new flooring, Freeport funds will also provide a new Mastercraft metal roof, a new furnace, an air conditioner, a new water heater, and new doors and windows, according to Toney.
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