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Bureau gives report


Daily Press Staff

Late in the game, staff from the Bureau of Reclamation gave one of the final reports on Monday before the preliminary decision on whether or not the Gila River will be diverted as part of the ArizonaWater Settlements Act. Dozens of interested residents and activists gathered in the Cliff High School gymnasium on Monday to hear early engineering plans for the proposed diversion of water from the Gila River to storage and release points around the region.

August marks the end of the appraisal process; analyzing the 15 proposals for water projects to be funded by the $66 million southwest New Mexico has been awarded through the Settlements Act. Since the act’s inception in 2004, entities from towns to environmentalist organizations have offered up proposed plans and criticisms of the Interstate Stream Commission’s handling of the appraisal process of those plans. The act has fathered many, wide- ranging opinions and more than a few choice words at the quarterly meetings held since the beginning.

One of the problems many people in the audience have is that they feel the analysis is not nearly complete enough to go to a preliminary decision in the next month. None of the reports have taken evaporation, climate change, or endangered species impact and mitigationinto concern, for instance. Bureau of Reclamation economists Steven Piper and

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Kimberly Musser both said these factors would add substantial cost to any project.

“But, because no project has been chosen, we weren’t asked to consider that,’ Musser said of endangered species mitigation.

Bureau Chief Engineer Jeffrey Riley had similar answers for the audience. He agreed that the questions they were asking were good ones, but that they were just above and beyond what the Stream Commission had ordered them to do. The bureau’s next report is due in September — a month after the commission is scheduled to make its preliminary decision.

The report on Monday focused on the three main diversion plans proposed — from the Gila Basin Irrigation Commission, the city of Deming (acting through the Southwest New Mexico Regional Water Supply Project), and the Hidalgo County Off-Stream Project.

The GBIC’s diversion in the Gila-Cliff area had a cost estimate of $41,800,000 and showed what Riley called “erosion concerns downstream.’

The city of Deming’s captured flows and subsurface diversion plans would cost at least $503,100,000, according to the report, and features a concerning lack of scientific data.

“There is a massive lack of information on geology,’ Riley said. “Dams are all about geology, but thoseare fairly expensive studies and above and beyond this early analysis.’

The Hidalgo County Off-Stream Project came to $234,700,000 and would include building up to 35 miles of concrete lined canals to Schoolhouse Canyon.

While the bureau was only asked to appraise the big three diversion projects, Silver City and Deming were already awarded $50,000 each in Municipal Water Conservation Pilot Grants.

Silver City identified the Altamirano Sports Complex as the town’s biggest water-user, so spent its money there. The town installed a weather-based irrigation system and other small projects to make the complex more water-efficient.

Deming focused on its residential sector and decided to use only 16 percent of its grant money. It offered rebates for replacement of turf grass with xeriscape plants and swamp coolers with refrigerated air.

The Interstate Stream Commission plans, right now, to make its preliminary decision next month and its final decision by December. Officials must present their decision to the state by year’s end.

Look for a more indepth breakdown of the report in an upcoming edition of the Silver City Daily Press.

Benjamin Fisher may be reached at

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