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Feathery pillow talk

household adviCe

Feathery pillow talk

Dear Heloise: I read your column in our newspaper each day. My question is: Can I safely LAUNDER FEATHER PILLOWS in the washer and dryer like other washables? My husband says no. Thanks for your answer.

— Betty A., Beebe, Ark.

Hi, Betty. Feather pillows in good condition, with no rips, tears or seams that might break, can be washed in the machine. Here are some hints: * No more than two at a time.

* Use a small amount of liquid detergent, and fill

the washer with water and

detergent first. Then put the

pillows in. * During drying, periodically break apart clumps by hand.

You also can freshen pillows by tossing them straight into the dryer once a week.

Been sick? Wash pillows, or spray them with disinfectant.

— Heloise

P.S.: I put our pillows in a king-size pillowcase and safetypin the opening before washing, just in case a seam breaks!

POLICE AND YOUR KIDS Dear Heloise: I was at the courthouse to take care of a traffic ticket.

I watched a woman outside court as she scolded her rambunctious toddler son: “If you don’t stop, I’m going to have the police come over here and take you away!”

The little boy looked so frightened. He should be taught that a police officer is there to

help him. If he were to get lost or hurt, he should know that he

can go to a police officer and

safely ask for help.

— Nana, via email

Hints from Heloise


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