Schlader, Staudt named man and woman of the year
CC Chamber of Commerce honors selfless volunteers

Charles City Area Development Director Tim Fox, at right, shakes hands with Lyle Schlader as Fox presents him with the Man of the Year award.
By Amie Johansen
Amy Staudt and Lyle Schlader are Charles City’s woman and man of the year.
The Charles City Area Chamber of Commerce’s awards recognized the pair as volunteers whose legacies of selfless leadership is building a better future.
More than 15 awards were handed out Thursday morning at the annual Volunteer Recognition Event, which this year was held at the Charles City Senior Center. Breakfast was also served at the event jointly organized by the Charles City Area Chamber of Commerce and Community Revitalization.
Angie Ruzicka presented hard-working, goal-oriented and personal friend Amy Staudt with the Woman of the Year award.
“I’ve made it a personal goal of mine to never tell Amy no when she calls, mostly because she does so much for everyone else that I figure if she’s calling, she needs it done. Period,” Ruzicka said.
Ruzicka described Staudt: a mother of four, a farmer and a teacher by trade, she knows that parents have the obligation and the first opportunity to be teachers to their children.
It is important to Staudt that people choose to be active members of their communities.
“Amy and I have had this conversation before, and we want our children to choose to be contributing citizens of society when they grow up,” Ruzicka said. “Many may believe in being a great teacher of character, few actually do it. She does it all — and she does it quietly and humbly, just as God has taught us.”
Staudt has volunteered in athletics, chamber of commerce and with the Floyd County Fair. As woman of the year, her volunteering resume is quite lengthy, however, as Ruzicka mentioned in her presentation speech, Staudt doesn’t volunteer to build the list, she does it “because she believes in our society and that volunteers need to step up and get things done for our legacy.
Tim Fox nominated and presented fellow Charles City Area Development Corporation board member Lyle Schlader with the Man of the Year award. Fox joked that he was presenting the award to Schlader, despite his “political misguidance.” Joking aside, Fox described Schlader’s character.
“Lyle is the most giving and helpful person to anyone that crosses his path,” Fox said. “He is an amazing role model for his kids and grandkids and takes great pride in all of them.”
Besides Schalder’s volunteer efforts over the course of the past year, Fox went further acknowledging a lifetime of dedication to Charles City.
“Lyle Schlader has proven to be a leader all his adult life and therefore deserves recognition for this legacy,” he said.

The following is a list of awards and the volunteers receiving them:
Caught in the Act I: Jon Shannon
Charles City Community Schools:
- Washington: Students from Amanda Achenbach’s class
- Lincoln: Kim Wilson
- Middle & High School: Shar Greenzweig, Ellen Chabot Sheckler & Kim Arndt
Caught in the Act II: Kim Watkins
TLC: The Learning Center: Veronica Litterer
Child Abuse Prevention Council of Floyd County: Toni Butikofer
Caught in the Act III: Dale Bond and Emily Kemp Meyers
Foster Grandparents: Jane Becker
Charles City Senior Center: Dale Lamprecht
Caught in the Act IV: Robin and Jonathan Macomber
Chamber President’s Award: Doug Ortmayer
Chamber Volunteer Business of the Year: Fareway
Community Revitalization:
- Leadership Award: Norma Breitbach
- Innovation Award: Brandon Dittmer and Dave Davidson
- Entrepreneurship Award: Tami Vetter
Game Changer: Party in the Park Committee
America’s Hometown Heroes: Jeannine Garman and Ed Duroe
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