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Staudt joins race for Floyd County supervisor

To The Press

Another person has announced he will seek a seat on the Floyd County Board of Supervisors.

“I am running for this seat to be an independent voice for hardworking folks across the county,” said Mike Staudt in a press release this week.

Mike Staudt
Mike Staudt

“Across the county, community members work together to make their town the best it can be and it is time for our communities to work together to make Floyd County the best county in the state,” he said.

Staudt, a farmer and the son of former supervisor Leo Staudt, currently serves on the Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock Board of Education. He said he hasn’t checked yet whether he would be able to continue to serve on that board if elected to the county position.

He said that as a member of the school board he has continually looked for ways to save money as enrollment decreases, including working to share positions with other school districts and deciding to share a superintendent with the Nashua-Plainfield school district.

Staudt also pointed to his work on the Farmers Co-op board, helping provide oversight for budgets and personnel. As a part of the board, he was part of Viafield’s last merger where the board held multiple meetings to inform the members on the aspects of the proposed merger, he said. He recently finished his term on the Viafield board of directors.

Staudt said he will run as an independent.

Staudt said he is an active member of his church and previously served on the St. Mary’s Catholic Church – Roseville Parish Council.

He is a lifetime resident of Floyd County, born and raised on his family’s farm in Marble Rock. He has four children and now lives in the country outside Floyd.

There are two Floyd County supervisor seats open in the Nov. 6 general election, the seats currently held by Doug Kamm and Mark Kuhn. Kuhn has said he will not seek re-election.

Kamm has filed to run for re-election on the Republican ticket. Roy Schwickerath and Stuart Dalton have both filed papers to run for the Democratic nominations for the supervisors seats.

Filing deadline for the June 5 party primary is March 28. Persons who do not want to run on a party ticket need to file Aug. 6-29 to be on the ballot.



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