Authority Electric Motor Service offers repair service, parts sales

By Kate Hayden,
As Nathan Stauffer began farming his family’s land just outside of Greene, Stauffer realized finding electric motor parts for repair took farmers across the region — to Mason City, Waverly or his hometown of Sumner.
“With some of the repairs that we had there on the farm — bin repairs, auger repairs — I was looking for electric motor parts or service, and there wasn’t anything in the area,” Stauffer said.
“I thought, ‘OK. There is a need over this way, and I need to fill that need,'” he said.
Now Stauffer is stepping up to offer the parts and repair service to farmers, as well as sales of motors as needed for the surrounding communities. Authority Electric Motor Service opened shop in February and rents workshop space in Greene from neighbor Jamie O’Dowd.
“Electric motors do work that we don’t want to do. Anytime you can apply an electric motor, it saves us a lot of work,” Stauffer said.
Stauffer apprenticed at Northeast Iowa Electric in Sumner for a year and a half. His father and grandfather both farmed, and Stauffer is renting his grandfather’s land while he farms. He and his wife have two young children.
A motor that’s well taken care of or serviced well can last “many lifetimes,” Stauffer said.
“Being able to take something that’s literally junk and making it serviceable again — it makes you feel good that you can bring something back to life,” Stauffer said.
“A lot of times in farming situations, they don’t have have a whole lot of downtime, so it needs to be fixed and fixed quickly,” he added. “I just want to provide that for those guys around here so they don’t have to drive 40 miles one way to get that service provided for them.”
Authority Electric Motor Service is open Mondays through Fridays from 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Stauffer can be contacted at 319-404-2680 or at
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