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Charles City man charged with burglary, assaulting a deputy, will plead guilty, court says

By Bob Steenson,

A Charles City man whose trial was to begin last week on several charges including driving his car into a residence and assaulting a deputy, is going to enter a guilty plea, according to court records.

James Ray Foster Jr., age 51, was charged with first-degree burglary, a Class B felony; first-degree criminal mischief, a Class C felony; assault on a sheriff’s deputy, a Class D felony; assault while displaying a dangerous weapon, an aggravated misdemeanor; and operating while under the influence first offense, a serious misdemeanor.

According to documents filed in Floyd County District Court, on July 12 Foster drove a 2001 Chevrolet Impala into a house in rural Floyd southwest of Floyd, and then into another building on that property. The documents say a sheriff’s deputy made contact with Foster at his residence and Foster allegedly charged the deputy “in an aggressive manner with intent to inflict serious injury.”

The documents said the amount of damage Foster allegedly caused was in excess of $10,000.

Foster’s trial was scheduled to start last week in Floyd County District Court, but District Court DeDra Schroeder filed an order stating that the court had been informed Foster “intends to plead guilty in this matter,” and she set a sentencing date for Dec. 5.

There was no indication in the order which charges Foster will plead guilty to, or if any of the charges will be dismissed as part of a plea agreement.


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